What’s That Smell?

No Holds Barred Review

Anyone who has been keeping up with the site will have noticed my Rocky review that was posted a little while back. Thus, proving that Repulsive Reviews enjoys things other than just horror, from time to time. Like the Rocky films, Thomas J. Wright’s No Holds Barred is full of 80’s clichés, making for an extremely cheesy fun time!

The World Wrestling Federation champion, Rip (Hulk Hogan), is being sought after by a rival network executive, looking to cash in on Rip’s growing popularity. Naturally, the good guy refuses the cash offer and WTN president, Brell (Kurt Fuller), makes it his mission to get back at the champ, no matter what it takes. Brell creates a new show, pitting the local tough guys against each other in pit-like match-ups, with the last man standing being the victor. Who will win in the final battle between the ex-con, Zeus (Tom Lister, Jr.), and the champion, Rip?

If you are aware of the types of films that were coming out in the 80’s, this 1989 sports action film will be exactly what you expect. It is full of corny dialog, including four occasions where the term “jock-ass” is uttered, a comically awesome soundtrack, and a happy ending that you could have figured out from the opening minutes. Although I may sound negative, all of these things are a great, if you ask me.

Hulk Hogan is not the best actor in the world, but for 30 years the man has been one of the most entertaining professional wrestlers in the history of the sport. Having some films under his belt at the point No Holds Barred was incarnated, and even being an alumnus of the Rocky series, which I mentioned earlier, it was a no brainer to cast Hogan as the hero in a film of this magnitude. He was at the height of his career as a real babyface and could do no wrong, even after starring in a cornball movie like this one.

Horror fans may enjoy this even if they aren’t big wrestling fans. Tiny Lister does a pretty impressive job as the man-beast known as Zeus. He terrorizes anyone who he comes in contact with, including women, and is one scary looking dude, in general.

If you like pure 80’s film clichés and want to sit back and enjoy a movie that you don’t have to take too seriously, No Holds Barred is a great choice. It is officially being released this Tuesday, April 1, for the first time on blu-ray by RLJ Entertainment and Image Entertainment. If you want to see it at its best, definitely make it a point to pick up the release.

No Holds Barred gets my approval with 3.5 midgets in cages out of 5.

One Response to What’s That Smell?

  1. Mathijs Pluijmen says:

    I could watch this for shits and giggles!

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