Blog Archives
Your Feet are Perfect
The Untold Story Review
Many years have passed since I started writing film reviews. In that time, I’ve covered everything from mainstream action blockbusters and animated films to the grimiest low-budget horror flicks I could personally handle. From time to time, I have to remind myself why I started this site and really get back to the ‘repulsive’ side of Repulsive Reviews. There is no better way to do that today than with Herman Yau’s The Untold Story.
The Plot
After severed limbs [...]
Disgust Me. Terrify Me.
The World is Full of Secrets Review
Sadly October is coming to an end very shortly. With a few days left in the month, my goal of watching at least one horror film per day continues. Although, I’m not necessarily sure I can categorize this one as a horror movie. Read on as I discuss Graham Swon’s The World is Full of Secrets.
The Plot
An elderly woman recalls one night as a young girl when her and her friends got together without any parental supervision. [...]
Somebody Get This Girl a Refill
Scare Package Review
No Halloween ‘season’ or month-long marathon is complete without at least one anthology film, right? Truth be told, this isn’t actually the first one I’ve watched this month. It is, however, the first that I am discussing here with you, so without further ado, let’s discuss Scare Package.
The Plot
Chad has hired a new employee for Rad Chad’s Horror Emporium. As part of his training, Chad recounts various horrifying tales, to get his new, best employee ready for [...]
But It’s Already so Cold
The Dead Ones Review
We are about a third of the way into October and I remain successful on my quest to join the rest of the October marathoners in the Halloween Hall of Fame. Instead of continuing to scour Netflix or Amazon Prime for horror flicks, I decided it’d be best to grab the next title from my mountainous ‘to watch’ pile. The lucky film chosen was Jeremy Kasten’s The Dead Ones.
The Plot
A group of teens are sentenced to detention [...]
The Sinclairs are Gifted
Broil Review
I’m really shocked that I’ve been able to keep the horror-movie-a-day streak going this year, guys! I know, I know. It’s only eight days into the month and I can screw it up at any time. I haven’t so far and that is cause for celebration. Well, if not celebration, at least another review? Read on as I discuss my thoughts on Edward Drake’s Broil.
The Plot
After a couple of suspensions from school, 17-year-old Chance (Avery Konrad, Unspeakable [...]
I Need More Carrots, Dawg
The Tax Collector Review
My last review opened with a statement about my yearly losing battle of conducting all-month-long horror marathons. This year, although it’s only been four days, I can say that I’m doing well. While I’m sure I will be watching a genuine horror film tonight at some point, I wanted to take a break and discuss a different genre film — David Ayer’s The Tax Collector.
The Plot
Street enforcers David (Bobby Soto, The Quarry, A Better Life) [...]