I’ve never been one to plan many things ahead of time. My life is pretty routine, but when I veer off path and do things out of the ordinary, I like for them to be spontaneous. I guess the same can be said for my movie viewing. Every time I try to plan out the next few films I’m going to watch, a new one comes out of nowhere and squeezes its way into said schedule. That is exactly what [...]
I’m Gonna Do Reiki on You
Happy Times Review
I Think We’ll be Fine
Come Play Review
For the last few weeks I’ve been concerned with [but horribly failing at] checking out a bunch of the horror films that I missed in 2020. I have compiled a list of movies that are being talked about in all sorts of “best of” articles, videos, and more, but it seems that there are some pretty decent ones that no one is really discussing. Read on to learn how Jacob Chase’s Come Play stacks up to the rest of the [...]
I Think They Need Help
Synchronic Review
As an avid film fan, I am in no way discriminatory when it comes to choosing which movie to watch. That is to say that I will watch any movie by any filmmaker. Still, like everyone else, there are some directors that I get more excited about than others. I am only human, after all. From that handful of directors, two that are very high on the list are Aaron Moorhead and Justin Benson. Needless to say, I was very [...]
Just Ain’t Natural
Giant From the Unknown Review
In the introduction to my last review, I made mention of the fact that there are plenty of films from 2020 that I still needed to catch up on. I’ve since been able to give one or two a watch, but decided to travel back in time a bit further with today’s write-up. Back to the 50s to be exact. Read on to hear my thoughts on Richard E. Cunha’s 1958 sci-fi horror, Giant From the Unknown.
The Plot
[...]I Was Gonna do This to You
Girl Review
It’s a new year and for genre fans and movie lovers alike that means another 12 months of brand new cinema to enjoy. Before I can dive into any new films, however, there are tons that I need to catch up on. The first I was able to cross off of that list is Chad Faust’s Girl.
The Plot
Upon returning to her small hometown hellbent on revenge, a young woman discovers that someone beat her to it. Now, [...]
Best Horror of 2020
For the past couple of years, I’ve taken it upon myself to compile a list of some of the best things that horror had to offer. I am not an authority on the matter whatsoever, and when it comes to 2020, the first thing we all think about isn’t “the best” of anything. Still, I think it is important to look back on the year and try to remember all of the good that us genre fans were given.
As [...]