Now that Roger and I have been running this site for some time, I have the opportunity to watch and review such a wide variety of films. We do your every day slasher flicks, we write about creature features and monster movies, but we also get to watch some pretty interesting, outside-of-the-box type of films. More of a psychological drama and less of a straight horror film, Nate Taylor’s Forgetting the Girl is exactly that — an out of the ordinary, not your run of the mill film.
Kevin (Christopher Dunham, The Bay) is a photographer who makes a living by taking pictures of beautiful women all day. He uses these women, however, to try to forget about his scarring past experience with his younger sister, Nicole. The only problem with that scenario is that when Kevin asks each and every one of these girls out for dinner or a movie, he must then try to figure out a way to forget about them, as well. As it gets more and more difficult to forget the girls that Kevin encounters on a daily basis, he has to take to some pretty extreme measures.
Forgetting the Girl is not at all how I had expected it to be. I thought I was going to watch a film about a psychotic cameraman who hated women and all he wanted to do was take their pictures and then kill them. I couldn’t have been further off from the reality of what Nate Taylor’s film actually is. It is a depressing and touching feature about a man who actually loves women to the point where he makes a complete fool out of himself every time he is near one. Well, almost every time…
Christopher Dunham does an amazing job as the shy and awkward Kevin, making you cheer him on, hoping he finally finds a girl to make him forget about all of his past experiences and mistakes. Lindsay Beamish who plays Kevin’s make-up artist, Jamie, also does an amazing job of this, but in a pretty different way. Jamie is also looking for love, an unrequited love from Kevin himself. She is depressed and suicidal and a really sad soul, but I wish I could have seen her get the joy that she was looking for the entire time.
The part of this film that I loved the most was the climax. The weird thing is that it’s also the part I hated the most. I don’t want to ruin the end for anyone interested in watching the film, but it made me feel upset, and angry, and helpless all at once. I couldn’t think of a better way to end it and I want to give major kudos to Taylor and crew for making me feel all of these things. If I wasn’t flooded with these emotions, the film would have been a complete failure, which I am glad to say it was not. It is a slow-burn film filled with strange individuals all looking for the same thing, but who all find that same thing in a different way.
If you want to watch a film that makes you feel something other than gore-happy, give Forgetting the Girl a chance. I don’t believe you will be disappointed, when all is said and done.
I give this film 3.5 headshots out of 5.