H.P Lovecraft stories have been adapted for the screen for some time now, yet it seems like the only ones I truly get into have Jeffrey Combs attached to them. Full Moon Entertainment has some truly gothic films, thanks to Lovecraft and his twisted tales, so when C. Courtney Joyner got behind the short story of H.P entitled “Lurking Fear,” the stage was set. Then with the casting of Vincent Schiavelli, Ashley Laurence, and Mr. Combs, himself, it would be nearly impossible to not have a cult classic on our hands… right?
Certain things in this film work really well, while others not so much. All of the elements are there and we get some pretty dark stuff on occasion, but it just never gets to that Castle Freak level of terror. Ashley Lawrence’s performance is pretty solid, and it’s nice to see her as sort of a bad-ass for once. She plans to seek revenge for the death of her sister… the only problem is, the responsible party happens to be a creature who lives under the local graveyard. While prepping her plan to eradicate the monster, some unexpected guests arrive with motives of their own.
I really wish this Lurking Fear would have given us a bit more of the gore and some more action with the creature. We never really get to see it in all of its glory, and from what I can tell the effects are pretty solid. I wouldn’t skip this one, but it isn’t anything I was personally impressed by. However, it has a ton of good that outweighs the bad… It’s just kind of bland.
I give it 2 caskets full of cash out of 5.
I seen it ages ago but the video I watched then had really bad quality, almost unwatchable. I remember it was okay to watch, this review exactly says how I think it was