I’m usually pretty hesitant when it comes to watching films about time travel. I’d like to think of myself as a rather intelligent person, but if you miss one little detail in a film of this nature, it can throw everything off, leaving you lost the entire time. I do, however, watch them from time to time and I do my best when trying to pick up on little hints and clues throughout, in order to stay focused. The most recent time travel film added to my collection is Bradley King’s Time Lapse.
After a complaint about overdue rent is issued against a tenant, the keepers of the apartment complex, Callie, Finn, and Jasper, go to check up on Mr. Bezzerides to make sure everything is okay. What they discover is that not only is Mr. Bezzerides dead, but he also was in possession of a camera that takes photos of events in the future. As the trio gets tied up in their new discovery, their relationships are tested like never before and things begin to fall apart rather rapidly.
Time Lapse stars a small cast of three main characters, Callie, Finn, and Jasper, played by Danielle Panabaker (Friday the 13th remake), Matt O’Leary (Frailty, Death Sentence), and George Finn, respectively. The tiny cast creates a much more intimate tone, allowing the audience to form true connections to the characters they are getting to know. Each actor did a wonderful job, but my favorite was certainly George Finn. His portrayal of Jasper went from this cocky and brash gambler to a rather maniacal, paranoid druggie who got caught up in everything that was happening and he did it so naturally. Finn was fun to watch from start to finish and made a great contrast to the character of Finn portrayed by O’Leary (Yeah, I know, it gets confusing when a character has the same name as a different actor’s real life last name!).
Time Lapse is one of the easier time travel movies to follow. There are a few times, however, where I could have been seen rubbing my head just a bit, so it is definitely a film you’ll want to watch more than once. There are twists and turns and it gets rather dark at one point with no clear sign of where things are headed. This is a good thing, in a day and age where a lot of movies have become way too predictable. Director Bradley King and his co-writer, BP Cooper, made painstaking efforts to make sure every piece of their puzzle was perfect before going into production on the film. Their script is on point, they chose an amazing cast of actors, and they even managed to hire a composer to help bring the score to life, as well.
If you are a fan of sci-fi flicks about time travel, you’ll definitely want to add Time Lapse to your collection. It is available on Blu-ray and DVD now from XLrator Media.
I give this film 3.5 photographs out of 5.