Tag Archives: Dinosaurs
Why Would God?
The Velocipastor Review
My last few expeditions into independent horror territory have been less than enjoyable, to say the least. I must be a glutton for punishment because I continue to head back out there and see what else lies ahead in low-budget filmland. Luckily, few still exist that are worth my time. The latest is Brendan Steere’s The Velocipastor.
The Plot
After the death of his parents which occurs right before his eyes, Father Doug Jones (Greg Cohan) travels the world [...]
Football is Real!
The Jurassic Dead Review
Not too long ago, it seemed that everyone and their mother was making a zombie flick. The sub-genre was extremely saturated and it didn’t take long to bore of it. Now, with a great deal of time having passed since my last dance with the un-dead, I figured it was a great time to check out one of the most original films I’ve ever encountered. I’m referring to Milko Davis and Thomas Martwick’s The Jurassic Dead.
The Plot
After [...]