Tag Archives: Jessica Cameron

I Love Your Spirit

Truth or Dare Review

Truth or Dare | Repulsive Reviews | Horror Movies

I’m not sure when I first learned of this film, but I’ve been looking for a copy of it ever since. Every so often, I’d search a couple of the usual spots for a new home video release — Amazon, eBay — to no avail. The thought never came to me to just go straight to the source, the director herself! After years of waiting, I’ve finally had the pleasure of watching Jessica Cameron’s Truth or Dare.

The Plot

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I’m Gonna Need These Back

The Song of Solomon Review

The Song of Solomon | Repulsive Reviews | Horror Movies

After being part of the horror community for so many years, you start to hear rumblings of the next film that you “just have to see.”  These films generally push the envelope, taking things like gore and gratuitous nudity to the next level.  Years ago, they were traded on VHS tapes as a type of underground barter system among diehard horror enthusiasts.  In 2018, however, films like this are more readily available, while still causing tons of controversy.  One series [...]

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