Tag Archives: Necrostorm

He’ll Tear You Apart

Suite 313 Review

Suite 313 movie review

Still new to the world of Necrostorm films, I was extremely excited about a number of films that I acquired recently. The company is known for their over-the-top gore, so I couldn’t wait to dive deeper into their filmography. The title which I chose to check out today is Aaron Pederis’ Suite 313.

The Plot

Ordered to answer a 911 call, officer Cooper must investigate with nothing more than a flashlight and a helmet. Once inside, the unsuspecting officer [...]

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I Just Feel Cool

Hotel Inferno Review

Hotel Inferno Movie Review

My recent journey into the history of Italian horror cinema reminded me of some films that I have been meaning to watch for years. While the ones I am referring to aren’t considered giallo by any means, they are created by Italian filmmakers. One of the films I’m referring to is Giulio De Santi’s Hotel Inferno.

The Plot

Hitman Frank Zimosa is hired for what he considers a simple job — head to a location and take out an [...]

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