Tag Archives: Rampant Animals
Let Him Call You Robbie
Boar Review
Tomorrow is New Year’s Eve and I will be spending most of the day with my family. For this reason, it is safe to say that tonight was the last chance I had to get one final review in for 2019. Wanting to end the year on a good note, I decided to actually re-watch a film that I have already seen and I know for a fact I enjoy. The film I decided to re-visit is Chris Sun’s Boar [...]
Apex Predator All Day
Crawl Review
This year has been a pretty great year for horror films and there are still two months to go. I’ve been lucky enough to have seen plenty of entertaining genre flicks in theaters, making the movie-watching experience that much more grandiose. One of my favorites to experience in this manner was, without a doubt, Alexandre Aja’s Crawl.
The Plot
Braving a category 5 hurricane, Haley is searching for her father. Once finding him, she soon realizes that there is [...]
I Didn’t Eat the Captain
Anaconda Review
Over the years, there have been countless movies that I’ve caught clips of here and there while randomly flipping through the channels of my TV. I’d stop for a few minutes at a time if something happened to catch my eye, but quickly move on to something else. One of those films, that I can now say I’ve seen in its entirety, is Luis Llosa’s Anaconda.
The Plot
A film crew sets out on an Amazon river to make [...]
Everybody’s Afraid Sometime
Venom Review
One of my favorite things about the horror genre is the diversity of its antagonists. The killers of our favorite movies come in all shapes and sizes. There are the brooding villains from the slasher films, supernatural entities that haunt and hunt their prey alike. Hell, there are even killer gingerbread men and murdering puppets! However, among all of these, some of my favorite films are those that utilize nature’s various killers. You know, films like Jaws, Shakma, [...]
It’s Eating Me…
Pig Hunt Review
A little while back, I reviewed two films by Australian director Chris Sun, which I greatly enjoyed (see Charlie’s Farm and Daddy’s Little Girl). After a bit of reading on the internet, I learned of his next film about a mammoth of a pig, aptly titled Boar. Quickly getting excited, I just couldn’t wait for the film to be finished, so to keep my appetite for destruction at bay, I found another murderous swine flick to enjoy — [...]