Tag Archives: Technology
Where the Heck’s My Grubhub?
Countdown Review
I can’t tell you how many times I have sat in a theater, viewing trailer after trailer, shouting out, “oh, that is gonna be good!” Sometimes I am right, but sometimes I am totally and utterly wrong. On the other hand, there are times when I completely dismiss a film based on a preview that looks downright awful, only to be surprised by the actual full-length film. That is exactly what happened with Justin Dec’s Countdown.
The Plot
After [...]
A Lot More Than Just a Videogame
Brainscan Video Review
Don’t You Have Anything Good?
Brainscan Review
EvildeadInks back again with another blast from the past and, yes, the mid 90’s are further back than some of us want to believe. Today, I tackle another video store find that doesn’t get a lot of love, Brainscan.
This bad boy features a still fresh-faced Eddie Furlong, right off the heels of T2. He plays the character Michael who has a taste for horror and by far the most amazing electronic setup in his room ever put [...]
Puttin’ it in ‘Em
i-LIVED Review
There are certain directors that I enjoy so much that I’d never miss a new project by them. After his work on P2 and Maniac, one of those directors is Franck Khalfoun. His latest film, i-LIVED had tons of promise, but unfortunately, managed to fall a little flat.
Josh is a struggling 20-something year old who reviews apps in his tiny apartment. His girlfriend has left him and he can’t seem to get ahead in any aspect of his [...]
Can You Keep a Secret?
Open Windows Review
There seems to be a neat little trend catching on in the horror scene over the last year or so. It may even be considered a new sub-genre all together. I’ve seen some refer to it as ‘tech horror,’ but I like to refer to it as cyber horror, myself. Whatever you call it, films like The Den or segments from the V/H/S/ franchise are utilizing the growing trends of social media and digital technology to make for some pretty [...]