Every once in a while, you come across a movie so ridiculous that you can’t help but fall in love with it. Brad Mills’ film The Legend of the Psychotic Forest Ranger is without a doubt one of those movies.
This is an absolute blast from beginning to end! The acting is terrible, but it’s bad on purpose; this movie is an over exaggeration of everything that makes 80’s slashers so much fun. The Legend of the Psychotic Forest Ranger is similar to the indie film Don’t Go to the Reunion, but it takes the more over-the-top approach like Sleepaway Camp 2 or Psycho Cop.
You can’t go into this movie thinking that you’re getting a serious horror film, but you are getting a film faithful to the sub-genre and a writer/director who appreciates, respects, and obviously loves 80’s horror. As campy as it gets, it doesn’t push you away. Forest Ranger keeps you entertained with buckets of blood ,ludicrous dialog, and one hell of a villian!
I’m a big fan of films like this, and I think this one is totally worth checking out. I personally give this film 3.5 practical jokes out of 5.
Seems to me like a must-watch