Did You Hear Something?
Ernest Scared Stupid Mini-Review
Ernest Scared Stupid is the horror installment of the Ernest franchise. Although it is very much an Ernest movie, it does contain elements of creepy fun and is a gateway film for the young.
The movie takes place in Briarville, Missouri, so points for the home-state hero, being a MO native, myself. Ernest works as apparently the only garbage man in this whole town who is also a descendant of the family that put Trantor the Troll in the ground, [...]
It Pays to Have a Big Cock
Headless Mini-Review
The 2012 film Found was an amazing feature that quickly gained a following and earned itself quite the reputation. The main characters, Marty and Steve, both have opposite reactions to a film [within the film] called Headless. With a fan base growing for Found, the question was bound to come up — “Will Headless ever be a feature?” At first, the answer was no… until writers Nathan Erdel and Todd Rigney created a world worth exploring.
In [...]
You Didn’t F*ck Her, Did You?
Contracted: Phase II Mini-Review
Contracted: Phase II picks up directly where the first one ends; Samantha (Najarra Townsend) has come full circle with the disease and is gunned down in the street. It doesn’t take long for all of her interactions from the previous film to start having dire consequences. Riley (Matt Mercer, Madison County, Auteur) is now feeling the effects of the disease and races against the clock to search for a vaccine.
Man, oh man, did Josh Forbes and Craig [...]
Pussy… on the Floor!
Morbid Mini-Review
Not every slasher film can become as memorable as the greats from the 80’s. The promises of amazing cover art and a clever tag line are used frequently to dupe an unsuspecting person to fall victim to another bad movie. Such is the case with Chuck Conry’s film, Morbid.
A small town becomes the playground to a masked killer stalking and killing the locals for no apparent reason. With the town’s sheriff and locals still more worried about [...]
Great, Salvation F*cking Army!
Silent Night Mini-Review
What is not to love about Christmas movies? Especially Christmas movies that fall into the “slasher” category. There are countless slasher-themed holiday movies, with the late 70’s and early 80’s bringing some of the best. The best known holiday horror movie would more than likely be Silent Night, Deadly Night, coming at a time when mothers were against anything violent in a Christmas movie. My personal favorite pick would be the Tales From The Crypt episode, “And All Through [...]
Like the Bukkake Bride of Frankenstein
Roommate Wanted Mini-Review
Judging by its home release cover, you’d think that Rob Margolies’ Roommate Wanted would be a full-blown horror film. Oddly enough, this is not the case at all, as there really aren’t any horror elements to be seen whatsoever.
Don’t get me wrong, this film about two roommates who get on each other’s nerves enough to want to savagely beat each other does get pretty brutal at certain points, but I still wouldn’t call it a ‘horror’ per se.
The [...]