Tag Archives: Wes Craven
It’s the Millennium
Scream Review
With the 20th anniversary of Wes Craven’s Scream fast approaching, along with his recent passing, I felt it necessary to write a review on the film that put him back on the map. Most people know that this film was almost not even a “Wes Craven” feature; He actually passed on directing it a few times before finally agreeing, once he learned Drew Barrymore was attached to the project.
I could write a gigantic review explaining all of the hardships [...]
I Don’t Drink… Coffee
Dracula 2000 Review
Sometimes a movie can be fun, a lot of fun, but once you put some years between viewings, it starts to lose a bit of the magic it once had. The Patrick Lussier directed Dracula 2000 happens to be one of those films. While it is fun, it just doesn’t stand the test of time very well. Thirteen years ago it was flashy, hip, sexy, and scary. Today…not so much.
Tons of digital effects were overused and even back during [...]