Tag Archives: Documentary
Always an Odd Feeling…
Video Nasties: The Definitive Guide Review
The horror genre has faced much scrutiny over the years. None more perhaps than a group of about 72 or so films collectively deemed the ‘video nasties.’ These films consisted of extreme violence and brutality, which film boards, critics, and even judges and juries believed were too obscene for viewers, persecuting anyone involved with the making of such films.
Jake West’s 2010 documentary, Video Nasties: Moral Panic, Censorship and Videotape, covers the advent of VHS tapes and [...]
In This Quiet Solitude…
The Bridgewater Triangle Review
I have always enjoyed watching documentaries, especially those dealing with anything horror-related. When I was approached to watch and review Aaron Cadieux and Manny Famolare’s “The Bridgewater Triangle,” I jumped at the chance!
The Bridgewater Triangle is a region located in the Southeastern portion of Massachusetts. Within this triangularly marked off area, occurrences of strange phenomena has been reported for over 30 years. What kind of strange phenomena? Anything you can think of! According to this documentary, there have been [...]