Tag Archives: Dolls
I Love That Creepy Thing
Brahms: The Boy II Review
There are plenty of horror films that I’ve loved over the years that I would die to see receive a sequel. Ones that really deserve to have their stories continued, expanded, and explored further. Sadly, those sequels seldom happen. Then, there are times when sequels that you would never expect come to fruition. William Brent Bell’s Brahms: The Boy II is one of those sequels.
The Plot
After a traumatizing home invasion/burglary, a family moves to a quiet countryside estate [...]
I’m Very Very Naughty
Charlotte Review
Around the time that Annabelle: Creation was hitting theaters, I acquired a film that also had to do with some sort of killer doll. I put it on my shelf without any real hesitation, as I figured it was just another cheap imitation looking to make a few bucks off of the possible success of the big horror sequel. This happens from time to time, so it isn’t really a surprise anymore. I was looking for something to watch this [...]
He’s Very Much With Us
The Boy Review
Killer doll films have been around for a long time now. We’ve seen the serious side with films like the recent Annabelle and we’ve seen the more comical side with the likes of Charles Band’s wonderful creation, the Puppet Master series, among others. It amazes me that filmmakers still venture into this realm from time to time, but when done right, the payoff can be huge. That, my friends, is what we have here with William Brent Bell’s latest project, [...]