Tag Archives: Don’t Go to the Reunion
It’s a Bloodbath!
Kevin Sommerfield/Austin Bosley Interview
Roger had a chance to interview with the masterminds behind the awesome indie slasher film, “Don’t Go to the Reunion,” and the upcoming project, “Dismembering Christmas.” See what Kevin Sommerfield and Austin Bosley had to say.
The slasher hayday pretty much covered every holiday multiple times over. What is it about Christmas that appeals to you, and what sort of nasty little presents are you going to be bringing the audience?
Kevin Sommerfield (co-writer/producer): For me there [...]
First Step’s a Doozie
Don't Go to the Reunion Review
Holy Flashback! The only thing that could make director Steve Goltz’s Don’t Go to the Reunion any more of a retro 80’s slasher would be releasing it only on VHS. This film has everything that fans of the 80’s splatter films crave — a large body count, buckets of blood, nudity, and humor — successfully blending the vintage slasher feel with the more modern and self-aware Scream era.
Paul Bjorge’s cinematography is spot on with keeping the tone of the [...]