Tag Archives: Godzilla

Long Live the King

Godzilla: King of the Monsters Review

Godzilla King of the Monsters poster

In my last review, I made mention of the fact that I have gone to the theaters more times this year than any other of the previous five or so. While this statement is wholeheartedly true, there are also quite a few films I still managed to miss during their original theatrical runs. One of them that I greatly regret missing in that fully immersive experience is Michael Dougherty’s Godzilla King of the Monsters.

The Plot

Reeling from the [...]

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Let Them Fight

Godzilla Team Review


I know there are plenty of you guys out there that absolutely loathe reboots. Especially for films that have already received a reboot once before. I, on the other hand, welcome them and for the most part, keep an open mind about them until I’ve actually seen the finished product. Some turn out awful, some are just okay, and some are outstanding. Gareth Edwards’ foray into the most famous kaiju’s territory has proven to be a breath of fresh air [...]

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