Tag Archives: M. Night Shyamalan
Superman Punch Him, Ronald
Glass Review
I’d imagine as a filmmaker it is very hard to please fans all the time. The more movies you create, the more of a chance you have of producing a dud or two. This has certainly been said about M. Night Shyamalan over the years. With his recent rash of films, however, it seems that he has actually re-gained the trust of his fanbase. Was the long time director able to win over viewers once again with his latest project, [...]
Oh Sarah McLachlan!
The Visit Review
Although I haven’t seen some of his most recent work, I have always been a fan M. Night Shyamalan’s older films like The Sixth Sense, Signs, and Unbreakable. Even with those great films under his belt, it seems that over the past few years, the writer and director has been getting quite a bit of negative reviews. I don’t know firsthand how his last couple of projects were, but I was certainly excited for his latest, after [...]