I don’t understand why I’ve heard so much criticism about Andrés Muschietti’s “Mama” ever since its official release earlier this year. Horror fans are always looking for original scripts and new ideas and once one finally comes along, it’s not good enough.
Any movie that has a young child on all fours is creepy as hell. Megan Charpentier and Isabelle Nélisse did fantastic jobs as Victoria and Lilly, respectively, and made the film that much more enjoyable. The premise of the film was fairly good overall with a few hiccups, but nothing that really ruined it for me. I do feel that some of the effects could have been done better, but again, the character of ‘Mad’ Edith/Mama was so creepy looking that I easily looked past the use of CG. The best part of it all is that it wasn’t entirely done by computer; Javier Botet did an amazing job doing all of the contortion work.
I guess the real hatred is for the film’s ending. I remember the first time I watched this movie with my sister, we walked out of the theater, scratching our heads and wondering why they would ever end a film that way. After getting to re-watch it, the ending really doesn’t bother me at all and I think it’s rather sad. Without ruining anything for those who haven’t seen it, this movie doesn’t go the happy-go-lucky route that a lot of horror films choose to go; it’s sad and kind of confusing… and really original, in my opinion. I wish more films had the guts to end on that kind of note.
Even with all the criticism floating around the horror community, I still recommend watching this film at least once. It gets my seal of approval with 4 cherry pits out of 5.
pretty much spot on with how i feel. i dig the two people trying to raise the kids, they are good in just about everything ive seen from them. and Lily was awesome. Mama was creepy and the only thing i didnt love was the ending.