I can’t say that I have ever read Dean Koontz novel Phantoms, but I can say that when I was about 13 years old I rented the Joe Chappelle film adaptation. I had a fondness for this film back then and remember it feeling a little like the 1988 version of The Blob. Recently I revisited Phantoms and I have to say that it really holds up well.
We get some solid performances by Rose McGowan and Liev Schreiber, riding high on the Scream tidal wave. Ben Affleck and Joanna Going have great performances, as well. The atmosphere of this film is still chilling to this day and the wonderfully isolated setting only adds to the tension.
The only thing that really suffers in Phantoms is the computer generated effects, which can only be expected with 15 year old digital creatures. This movie is a blast; it’s still slick, fun, and the scares all still work.
I recommend watching this one again, or for the first time ever. Phantoms still gets the Rottin’ Roger Demarco seal of approval with 3.5 pacemakers out of 5.
Need to pick this one up without breaking your bank? Grab it on blu-ray from Echo Bridge in a combo pack at their official webstore today!