I’ve never seen the original Aussie flick, Patrick. Nevertheless, I decided to give this years remake a shot. Mark Hartley’s Patrick: Evil Awakens turned out to be a pretty enjoyable supernatural horror, definitely worth checking out.
Patrick is a story of a patient who has suffered a tragic accident and is currently being held at a hospital for further diagnosis and experimenting. With its confined quarters, creepy corridors, and patient-filled rooms, the Roget clinic is a perfect setting for a film of this nature. Garry Richards’ cinematography and the eerie score by Pino Donaggio manage to lend a helping hand in making this institution even more frightening.
Every actor featured in this film does a wonderful job. Charles Dance is amazing as head physician and resident madman, Dr. Sebastian Roget. It is Sharni Vinson, however, that steals the show. I became a fan of Vinson recently, after viewing last years’ You’re Next, and her portrayal of nurse Kathy Jacquard has only served to strengthen my fondness for her.
With a combination of computer generated effects and practical make-up work, every gruesome moment in Patrick looks rather remarkable. Gore fans will definitely find something to cheer for in this one, even if it is heavily based on the supernatural powers of telekinesis, as opposed to being a slasher or torture flick.
If you’re a fan of 2013’s Carrie reboot, this film will definitely make a great companion piece for you to enjoy. Make sure to check it out, when it hits VOD, iTunes, and select theaters on March 14.
I give Patrick: Evil Awakens a score of 3.5 text messages out of 5.