Tag Archives: Drama
Disgust Me. Terrify Me.
The World is Full of Secrets Review
Sadly October is coming to an end very shortly. With a few days left in the month, my goal of watching at least one horror film per day continues. Although, I’m not necessarily sure I can categorize this one as a horror movie. Read on as I discuss Graham Swon’s The World is Full of Secrets.
The Plot
An elderly woman recalls one night as a young girl when her and her friends got together without any parental supervision. [...]
I Need More Carrots, Dawg
The Tax Collector Review
My last review opened with a statement about my yearly losing battle of conducting all-month-long horror marathons. This year, although it’s only been four days, I can say that I’m doing well. While I’m sure I will be watching a genuine horror film tonight at some point, I wanted to take a break and discuss a different genre film — David Ayer’s The Tax Collector.
The Plot
Street enforcers David (Bobby Soto, The Quarry, A Better Life) [...]
I Like Destroying Things
Retaliation Review
We all love horror. We even have our favorite sub-genre of horror, one that we just can’t get enough of. Personally, I go through phases; One month, I’ll watch nothing but slasher flicks. Another month, it’ll be just found footage films for yours truly. Still, there is one sub-genre that I will never say no to. That is the revenge film. For this reason alone, I could not pass up the opportunity to watch Ludwig and Paul Shammasian’s Retaliation. [...]
This is His Story
Iceman Review
Ever since I started reviewing films for this site, I’ve been afforded countless opportunities to learn about and watch many films that I would otherwise be completely unaware of. This isn’t always a great thing because, as we all know, not all movies are created equal. With that said, there are in fact many amazing flicks out there that deserve to reach a wider audience. One of those is Felix Randau’s Iceman.
The Plot
Kelab is the primary caretaker [...]
Move Your Table, Pal
The Man Who Killed Hitler and Then Bigfoot Review
More often than not, the title of a film is usually a pretty good indication of what you’re getting yourself into. If words like “slaughter” or “massacre” appear anywhere, it’s pretty safe to put your money on it being a rather bloody affair. When you have a title like Robert D. Krzykowski’s latest film, however, things aren’t quite as they clear. The title that I am referring to is The Man Who Killed Hitler and Then Bigfoot.
The Plot
[...]He’s Come Back for Me
Last Girl Standing Review
All [good] slasher movies have them. The them I’m referring to is, of course, the sole survivor, the last one left, the final girl. The trope of the ‘final girl’ has been explored more deeply in recent years with films like Final Girl and The Final Girls, both appropriately named, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t more to be done with the idea. That’s exactly what director Ben Moody wanted to show us horror fans with his feature film, [...]