Tag Archives: Adam Green
Really Really Need Him
Victor Crowley Video Review
No Titties
Hatchet III Video Review
Hell Believes in You
Holliston: Season 2 Review
I’ve really enjoyed every one of Adam Green’s movies I’ve seen over the years, but for some reason never made it a point to sit down and watch his series, Holliston. I have seen various things here and there on the internet about it, but it just never intrigued me enough to want to give it a shot. When I heard season 2 was coming out on blu-ray, I decided now was a good a time as any to [...]
She Needs… Special Food
Grace Review
Paul Solet’s “Grace” is far more disturbing than I had imagined. I don’t mean that it is disturbing in its use of gore or shock value, but moreso in its psychological elements that I was certainly not prepared for.
The main story of this 2009 Adam Green production is great; I love its originality and the way it plays out is very well done. The use of a real baby mixed with various shots of a fake, effects baby was [...]