Tag Archives: After Dark Originals
Try That on Me
Sanatorium Review
I’ve seen a few of the films in the After Dark Originals series over the past year or so and more often than not, I am pleasantly surprised by how good they turn out. While Brant Sersen’s Sanatorium may seem familiar, it still manages to pull you in and be a rather effective paranormal found footage flick.
The premise is nothing new — An investigation team/television crew go into an abandoned asylum for a few days to find evidence of [...]
She Wants Paper
Mischief Night Review
It’s always great going in to a movie for the first time expecting one thing and ending up with something totally different. While some may claim to see the twists coming, this is kind of what happened with my viewing of Travis Baker’s Mischief Night.
Kaylie (Brooke Anne Smith) is spending the night before Halloween babysitting. After saving the house from a few young pranksters, another visitor comes by. This time, it’s not a prank, and Kaylie must fend [...]
The Border Has No Memory
Borderland Review
Similar to how I was checking out the Bloody Disgusting Selects film series months back, I recently starting watching the movies released in the After Dark Originals series. I’ve seen a bunch of great films already, including Zev Berman’s 2007 flick, Borderland.
Three friends take an impromptu road trip to a town on the Mexican border. What starts out as a fun getaway with drugs, beautiful women, and a promise of a good time, quickly turns into a nightmare. [...]
Jesus, I Can Smell It
Prowl Review
It’s all been done before in the horror genre. It is when filmmakers take the various horror tropes and apply their own personal fingerprint, that I am truly impressed. This is the case with Patrik Syversen’s 2010 film, Prowl.
Amber is an 18-year-old girl who is sick of her small town and everything in it, including her alcoholic mother. The only thing standing in her way of freedom and a new start is a ride to Chicago. After gathering [...]
Easy Peasy
The Task Review
After Dark Originals has put out some pretty good low-budget films over the past few years. Director Alex Orwell’s The Task is one hell of a fun movie. We’ve seen the reality show/found footage horror formula almost beaten to death since the success of films like The Last Broadcast or The Blair Witch Project. Sometimes it can be tricky to breathe new life into something that has been beaten to death for nearly two decades. However, The Task manages [...]
This is Our Playroom
Children of Sorrow Review
When I was in college, I had to do a research paper on David Koresh and the Branch Davidians. When the entire ordeal took place, there was no Twitter, Facebook, or any other type of social media, so it was hard to know for sure what exactly was happening on a daily basis inside the walls of the Waco, Texas compound. I’m sure not all religious cults are the same, but Jourdan McClure’s Children of Sorrow may very well [...]