It’s a new year and for genre fans and movie lovers alike that means another 12 months of brand new cinema to enjoy. Before I can dive into any new films, however, there are tons that I need to catch up on. The first I was able to cross off of that list is Chad Faust’s Girl.
The Plot
Upon returning to her small hometown hellbent on revenge, a young woman discovers that someone beat her to it. Now, looking for answers, she soon uncovers a family history she never could have expected.
My Thoughts
If you’ve read any of my past reviews over the years, you know by now that it doesn’t take much for me to get excited about a film. Sometimes it could be something as silly as just the title or cover art; Other times the involvement of a particular actor, writer, or director could be enough. In the case of Girl, the fact that Bella Thorne was the lead role was all I needed to be aware of, quite frankly.
I am more familiar with Thorne’s three year stint with the Disney channel series “Shake it Up” than I care to admit and I absolutely loved her in both The Babysitter and its sequel. Other than that, however, I haven’t seen much of her more recent work. Her leading role here is proof that she can do more than just be the “ditzy hot girl” like she was in those wonderful McG movies… much more.
Simply known as the titular Girl in this 89 minute thriller, the young performer is able to flaunt her acting chops alongside veteran actor, Mickey Rourke (Sin City, The Wrestler), and writer/director Chad Faust, himself. While there are a handful of other performers seen throughout, it is these three that undoubtedly steal the show.
I have to tell you guys, if it weren’t for his highly recognizable voice, I wouldn’t have known that who I was watching as the sinister sheriff of this small, backwoods town was in fact Rourke. This man looks so different every time I see him, it’s like a totally new person with each viewing. Regardless, he played his role perfectly, making it easy for me to root for Thorne’s looking-for-answers Girl the entire time, praying that this bastard would get what was coming to him.
Similarly, Faust proved to be one to watch, as well. Making his full-length directorial debut, Chad Faust is an unknown to me. I’ve never seen any of the other films he’s acted in, but if his performance here is any indication, he is a very talented individual. Known simply as Charmer, Faust’s character really is that. Although highly obnoxious and rather annoying at times, he truly is a smooth-talking charmer. Don’t worry though, he, too, gets what he deserves in this revenge drama, as more secrets are revealed and lies uncovered.
Girl at Home
As of today, Girl is now available on DVD from Screen Media. The film is presented in a 2.40 Anamorphic format with both 5.1 surround sound and 2.0 stereo audio tracks. While I would have loved the see some behind-the-scenes featurettes or interviews with the cast and crew, sadly there are no special features accompanying the film in this home release.
The Verdict
Looking at the cover art for the home release of Girl gives off a different impression than what the film actually is. Without any knowledge of the plot, the photo used and the style in which the ‘poster’ is designed, you’d expect to be getting into some sort of survival slasher flick. At least those are the vibes that I get.
Unfortunately Girl is nothing like that. Still, it is a rather enjoyable ride making its stop through multiple genres along the way, including drama and thriller. The performances from Mickey Rourke, Chad Faust, and of course, Bella Thorne, are worth the price of admission alone, and I highly suggest giving this one at least one watch through.
Give Girl a watch for yourself as I give it 3.5 flying hatchets out of 5.