Tag Archives: Vampires
The Gecko Brothers Ride Again
From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series - Season One Review
We’ve all seen film remakes and even those remakes that were presented in a television mini-series format (see Rosemary’s Baby), but in recent years, we’ve seen the tides turn a little bit. Instead of your straight reboot scenarios, we are seeing filmmakers and producers taking their work to television. With episodic series like Bates Motel, we are diving deeper into the stories behind some of the horror genre’s cult classics. The most recent example of this is the [...]
It’s a Safe Neighborhood
Rigor Mortis Review
Fresh off of watching the greatly entertaining vampire flick, Afflicted, comes another vampire film review. This time around, it is Juno Mak’s martial arts-infused ghost story, Rigor Mortis.
A lonely and depressed man has moved into an apartment building where the supernatural roam the halls. Ghosts, vampire hunters, and the undead are all tenants in the building and this suicidal man is thrown right in the middle of it all.
I have seen a few Asian horror films [...]
Stop Shooting Me!
Afflicted Review
I remember watching Josh Trank’s Chronicle a couple of years back and loving every second of it, immediately. Combining found footage with horror, sci-fi, and super hero lore was the greatest thing to me. Fast forward two years and now I have another favorite film that manages to combine all of those things successfully once again, while bringing something new to the table, as well. That film is Derek Lee and Clif Prowse’s Afflicted.
Clif and Derek have been [...]
Who is She?
Dan Curtis' Dracula Review
To be completely honest, I’m not a fan of many vampire films. Well, let me re-phrase that; I’m not a fan of sappy vampire movies with little to no action. Bigger, nastier vampire films like John Carpenter’s Vampires or From Dusk Till Dawn tickle my fancy. Needless to say I wasn’t exactly overly excited to see yet another take on Bram Stoker’s Dracula. At least until I saw that Jack Palance was cast as Dracula himself.
I can’t say [...]
Jesus, I Can Smell It
Prowl Review
It’s all been done before in the horror genre. It is when filmmakers take the various horror tropes and apply their own personal fingerprint, that I am truly impressed. This is the case with Patrik Syversen’s 2010 film, Prowl.
Amber is an 18-year-old girl who is sick of her small town and everything in it, including her alcoholic mother. The only thing standing in her way of freedom and a new start is a ride to Chicago. After gathering [...]
There is no Bogey Man Anymore
Dracula: Prince of Darkness Review
At this point, I’ve seen a number of renditions of the tale of Dracula. From the Universal Studios’ classic take on the monster to Francis Ford Coppola’s iteration many years later, each adaptation has their own subtle twists on the original Bram Stoker novel. Terence Fisher’s 1966, Dracula: Prince of Darkness, is no different, with its own brand of Gothic horror in the great Hammer tradition.
Four English tourists arrive in the Carpathian Forest on their journey, which they [...]